Galactic Equator RAW files

Galactic longitudes along Galactic equator.

Files may be downloaded individually or in groups of ten.

The latitude longitude and elevation of the telescope is:

Latitude 54:08:54N.
Longitude 002:17:41W.
Elevation 240M asl .

The time the data was taken can be found in the header of each indiviual file.
For Glat 0, Glong 0 this is:
s 9 18 2011 17 45 56 1.000000 -1000 1000 5 0.
s is for spectra mode.
9 18 2011 is the date 18th September, 2011.
17 45 56 is the time the data was taken UT.

These files may be viewed and adjusted using the H Line viewer program.

What may they be used for? Well, if you wish to calculate the rotational velocity
of our Galaxy, you may find the data to acomplish that task here.
More to follow.

0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, zip
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I would be grateful if users of the data would acknowledge the source.

Let me know what you are doing with the data.
john at (figure)threepeaks dot org dot uk